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Flora and Fauna

Insects and Polinators

Australia is inhabited by an estimated 2000 species of native bees, many of which have yet to be scientifically named and described. Discoveries of new species are not uncommon, so the total number of species may be much higher.


Approximately 800 species occur in Western Australia and many of them are endemic. Bees are actually specialised wasps closely allied to predatory wasps known as ‘sphecoids’.  They have given up their ancestors’ predatory habits and, instead of storing paralysed insect or spider prey as food for their larvae, they collect and store pollen and nectar. This transition to vegetarianism was accomplished with only minor structural changes one of which was the development of plumed or branched bristles and hairs (setae).


South-west Australia has more than 60 native butterfly species, plus introduced species such as the cabbage white, monarch and orange palmdart. About 17 native butterfly species may visit South West gardens, especially if the garden is situated near bushland breeding areas.


Dragonflies are aquatic insects — all but the last stage of their lives is in water — and most adults will typically spend significant time around water.  There are atleast 41 species reported in the area of South-Western Australia. 

EcHoe Images

© EcHoe images by Donna Wolter. Proudly created with

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Bio- Donna Wolter

  • Originally from the eastern states of Australia, Donna called Margaret River, Western Australia home for over 20 years.  Donna was drawn to digital photography based on a desire to record and register the amazing, unique and diverse natural environment. A deep respect for the flora and fauna of the south west region; her desire to fly, to travel and to explore creativity through nature has fueled her photographic journey.

    Following over 20 years of administrative roles in local government, disability and the not for profit sector in Margaret River and the Metro area, Donna decided to pursue a career as a landscape and nature photographer and has been building a repertoire of work and social media followers. 


  • Donna's vision is to encourage eco-tourism and conservation of the south west region through her images. With 20 years of local knowledge to assist her in her endeavors, she is helping other individuals understand and appreciate the unique environment of the South West regions.  All while exploring the natural environment of other places that are not home.

    "Somewhere in the South West, wish you were here.." is gathering momentum, and Donna's vision for EcHoe Images has always been to echo the place she calls home, a place for recreation and for love.

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