Flora and Fauna
Snail orchids are dainty flowers that are a prelude to springs arrival. There are many members of this family. Pterostylis karri – Karri Snail Orchid
Banded greenhood orchid, another amazing and unique flower from the south west region.
Banded greenhood orchid, another amazing and unique flower from the south west region.
The state floral emblem is the Anigozanthos manglesii, or red and green kangaroo paw.
Heart-leaf Flame Pea - Chorizema cordatum (native to south-western Australia).
This plant was named after William Dampier, an avid collector of botanical specimens of Australia when Australia was newly discovered.
White flowered Sundew drosera species, a carnivorous, sticky insect eating plant endemic to the South West of Australia.
Diuris magnifica – Pansy Orchid
Situated on a granite outcrop the ground was littered with blue squill, false boronia and lots of donkey orchids.
Situated on a granite outcrop the ground was littered with blue squill, false boronia and lots of donkey orchids.
Situated on a granite outcrop the ground was littered with blue squill, false boronia and lots of donkey orchids.
Situated on a granite outcrop the ground was littered with blue squill, false boronia and lots of donkey orchids.
The sign that spring has arrived and the bulbs start flowering.
Not native to the south west, but grows in abundance due to propagation by gardening enthusiasts.
Native plant, Clematis aristata also called traveller's joy, Goatsbeard and Old Man's Beard is frequently visited by local insects.
Native plant, Clematis aristata also called traveller's joy, Goatsbeard and Old Man's Beard
So many different varies all flowering at the same time, a sign that spring has sprung.
So many different varies all flowering at the same time, a sign that spring has sprung.
A plant that has been successfully propagated for nursery purposes it is a native of the South West of Western Australia. When it starts flowering in late winter, it indicates the beginning of Kambarang.
Often people believe the sticky pink petals of the drosera are the flowers however they are the traps in which insects get caught and eaten for protein purposes so that the carnivorous plant can produce these amazing flowers.
A plant that has been successfully propagated for nursery purposes it is a native of the South West of Western Australia. When it starts flowering in late winter, it indicates the beginning of Kambarang.
William Dampier was an avid collector of Australian botanical specimens and this plant was named after him because he was a prolific collector when on expeditions.
There are over 8000 species of wildflowers blooming in the region between August and November in the South West of Western Australia. Many can be found nowhere else in the world.
300 species of delicate orchids also grow in the south west, with many species being endemic to the region.
Come with me and explore the explosion of colour set against the stunning natural landscape of Australia's South West.
Kambarang, is the season of birth and renewal in the language of the Wardandi and is the best time to see the wildflowers at their dazzling best, but different species can be found throughout the year, especially along the southern coastline.